The Dollhouse

{{AN|This was an old story I wrote when I was 12. It's horrible.}}
Hello. I'm 14, but my name isn't needed for this story. But since I will most likely need to use it, I'll tell you it. My name is Lavender. I got a dollhouse when I was 6. It was right after I moved to the town I live in currently when I was little. I got it at a garage sale. My dad pointed it out, and since I was really into dolls at the time, I was thrilled. My dad offered to buy it, and I said yes, so he did. How much I regret getting that dollhouse. It came with 13 dolls. Yeah, I know that's a cursed number, but at the time I didn't care. The 13 dolls were a mom, a dad, a sister, a brother, a grandma, a grandpa, a little baby, 2 dogs, a cat, a servant, and twin girls. At least, I THINK the servant was a servant. He had a black suit on with a white undershirt and a tie. He was extremely pale and had almost white blond hair. He was taller than the other dolls, with soulless black eyes and a sharp, pointed  nose. His mouth was in a permanent frown, and his eyebrows were furrowed in a furious expression. I hid him under my bed when I got home because he scared me. I'll also describe the other dolls, I guess. The mom had beautiful brunette hair that, even though it was plastic, glistened like real hair. She had hazel eyes. She was about 5 inches tall (Yes, I measure my dolls. It's a weird thing for me. Don't ask). The dad had black hair, brown eyes, and was about 5 1/2 inches tall. The sister had dark brown hair, green eyes, pale skin, and was 4 1/2 inches tall. The brother had blond hair, deep blue eyes, and was 4 1/4 inches tall. The baby, who was more of a toddler, had very little hair but the hair that it had was brown, it had blue eyes, and was about 2 1/2 inches tall. The grandma had grey hair, bright green eyes, and was 5 1/2 inches tall. The grandpa had white hair, brownish green eyes, and was about 5 3/4 inches tall. The twins were exactly the same in every way, shape, and form, so I'll describe them as if they were one doll. The twins had light brown hair, grey eyes, and were both 4 1/2 inches tall. The dog was black, and it was a Scottie dog, so the eye color was indistinguishable from the rest of its body. Its height was about 3 inches. The cat, last but not least, was a black cat with green eyes. It was 2 inches tall. I'll leave a drawing of them as a link, or maybe it will be at the end. The dolls were creepily detailed, almost as if they were human. They had pupils, the dog had a collar, and the cat had teeth. So let's get on with the story, shall we? So the afternoon we got the dollhouse, I set up the entire thing. It had furniture, the works. Beds, chairs, a kitchen with all the cooking needs including tiny plastic pieces of food, a tv, pictures, and everything else you can imagine. It was amazing. So after that, I went to bed, as it was past my bedtime. So I wake up the next morning, and the creepy servant doll is out from under my bed and is posed with a toy knife over one of the twins while the other twin lay with her head missing on the floor. I sat there, stunned. Everything else was totally normal. How did this happen? I decided to keep the doll's head off to show my friends later. I'll draw a picture of that too. I put the creepy servant doll back under my bed and the knife, which had red powder on it, back in the kitchen cupboard. I then went to my first day of school in the new town. When I got back from school, the creepy servant doll was at the little plastic sink washing off the knife while the other twin lay with her head missing in the kitchen doorway, her hands poised in a horrified position. I stood there. I called for my dad. He came up and and just stood there. He picked up the creepy servant doll and threw him out the window. I haven't seen the servant doll since, and I fixed the doll heads. It still creeps me out though. I'm auctioning off the dollhouse with all the dolls, so if you want it, go for it. I sure don't want it. Although... I'm still wondering what the heck happened that day, how the dolls moved on their own, and what or who that creepy servant doll was. So many questions, so few answers. Wait... What's that under my bed? No way! It can't be! The creepy servant doll!